- Web Sites
- Video ads
- Widgets
- RSS Feeds
- Podcasting
- Banner ads
- Short Films
- Blogs & Vlogs
- Blue Tooth
- Chat Rooms
- In-Game advertising
- Social Networking
In reference to the effectiveness of new media, one of the points mentioned was the anonymity behind the term "widgets". A widget is "a mini-web application you can put in your web page, blog, or social profile" (What is a web widget, 2007). This visual/graphic form of media has been noted as being one of the less effective forms of new media marketing due to the widget's size and inability to "capture and hold the attention of the fickle public by developing a brand content that compels them to accept and share with others" (Paparo, 2008). With companies such as Nike and Coca-Cola using features such as interactive creations, videos, sounds, graphics, forums, informative text, etc.; the idea of a widget capturing the attention of a consumer and becoming memorable and informative is leaning toward doubtful. Consumers are given numerous choices, therefore information is a key aspect to creating brand recognition and loyalty (Delin & Waller, 2003).
Along with lack of information, another interesting statement mentioned in terms of widgets is the issue of trust. During the widgets discussion, one member mentioned that he/she would not trust downloading a foreign object on his/her computer such as a weather widget. Computer viruses, worms, trojans, etc. are a real threat to technology and personal safety (such as bank account information and social security numbers). The user downloading the widget needs to feel confident about the source of the widget before they agree to download the widget, especially since downloads and scripts can hide potential dangers. Viruses cost businesses over $55 billion in damages in 2003 and this number continues to grow as new viruses, trojans, etc. are developed (Virus related statistics, 2008). The problem with this risk is that the relationship between consumers and businesses is dependent upon trust. Without trust, there is no loyalty and this can become fatal to businesses (Ebersole, 2008).
Overall, a strong trend developed during this discussion leading to the idea that web sites are considered to be the most effective form of new media marketing. This form of new media can contain numerous forms of new media including blogs, social networks, video advertising, banners, and almost any and all types of media found online. While some forms of new media may be more effective than others when it comes to marketing, each new media object can be used to enhance the interactive new media marketing experience.
Delin, J. & Waller, R. (2003). Cooperative brands: The importance of customer information for service brands. BNET. Retrieved October 26, 2008, from http://findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_qa4001/is_200310/ai_n9310376
Ebersole, G. (2008). The strategic importance of trust in business, according to your strategic thinking business coach. Ezine Articles. Retrieved October 26, 2008, from http://ezinearticles.com/?The-Strategic-Importance-Of-Trust-In-Business,-According-To-Your-Strategic-Thinking-Business-Coach&id=649642
New media. PC Magazine. Retrieved October 26, 2008, from http://www.pcmag.com/encyclopedia_term/0,2542,t=new+media&i=47936,00.asp
Paparo, Ari (2008, January 7). The ins and out of widget marketing. iMediaConnection. Retrieved October 26, 2008, from http://www.imediaconnection.com/content/17895.asp
Virus related statistics. Security Statistics. Retrieved October 26, 2008, from http://www.securitystats.com/virusstats.html
West Virginia University, P.I. Reed School of Journalism (2008, August 18). Lesson 1: IMC in an evolving digital landscape. Retrieved October 26, 2008, from https://ecampus.wvu.edu/webct/urw/lc5116001.tp0/cobaltMainFrame.dowebct
What is a web widget. Widgest for web 2.0. Retrieved October 26, 2008, from http://www.widgets-gadgets.com/2007/08/what-is-web-widget.html
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